Add Rainloop to your DirectAdmin Server

(We sell DirectAdmin licenses for a great price! Purchase a server with us and grab a license, use promo code PACKETS to get 15% off your first invoice!)

While the existing webmail options on DirectAdmin are great, you may be interested in adding something unique like Rainloop. You can thank our friends at Poralix for building the installer for this.

Step 1: From SSH/console on your system, run these commands:

cd /root
wget -O
chmod 755

For the rest of this tutorial, we're assuming your server hostname is "my.server.tld" but you should replace that with your actual hostname.

Step 2: Visit https://my.server.tld/rainloop/?admin, use the username "admin" and the password "12345" to login.

Step 4: Click "Security" on the left side. Put "12345" in the current password field. Set a new password, repeat it, and click Update Password.

Step 5: Click "Domains" on the left side. Delete the example domains, all of them.

Step 6: Click "Add Domain." Use these details:
- Name: *
- IMAP Server: localhost
- IMAP Port: 143
- SMTP Server: localhost
- SMTP Port: 25
Leave the rest as it is, click "Add."

You're done. Now users can go to my.server.tld/rainloop and use Rainloop for any email account on the server.

  • directadmin, rainloop
  • 82 Users Found This Useful


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