
Requesting Information

Please contact prior to issuing a subpoena, warrant, or similar instrument so that we can discuss your request.

Subpoenas from jurisdictions outside of the United States should contact the United States Department of Justice, Office of International Affairs for assistance in obtaining a subpoena valid in the United States.

All subpoenas, warrants, or similar instruments must be sent by mail to the address below with a copy by e-mail to If there are specific rules that require delivering the subpoena, warrant, or other instrument in person, please contact for further details.

QuickPacket, LLC
ATTN: Subpoena
18631 Northline Dr
Ste E
Cornelius, NC 28031

We do not accept requests for information over the phone or via fax. You must submit your request in writing via mail with a copy by e-mail to

Civil Subpoenas - Fees & Information

Any requests associated with a civil subpoena must be accompanied by payment by the person or entity submitting the civil subpoena. This is to cover costs associated with subpoena compliance prior to delivery of the information that has been subpoenaed.

QuickPacket cost schedule is as follows:

Research - $175.00/hour
Delivery (via UPS/FedEx) - Cost as billed
Copies - $0.50/page
Optical media - $10.00/disc
Bank Transfer/Wire Transfer Fees - Court Research Costs

All applicable taxes are due with the payment of the above fees. To pay via credit card please contact

Payment by check should be sent to:

QuickPacket, LLC
18631 Northline Dr
Ste E
Cornelius, NC 28031

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